Arthur Lewis

Software Engineer 

My mission is to design and create software using the latest frameworks and technologies to positively impact people.




Software Engineer I
February 2024 - Present

Tech Startup (NDA)

Full-Stack Software Engineer
October 2023 - Present
  • Designing the architecture for a peer-to-peer service used to schedule and handle payments of outdoor athletic lessons between clients and industry professionals
  • Building the platform using a NextJS frontend, MySQL database, NodeJS API hosted on AWS, and payment processing using Stripe in a containerized environment


Software Engineer Intern
June 2019 - August 2019
  • Developed a website using the MeteorJS framework for partners and employees to manage and update over 5,000 products for the content website receiving 385k unique visitors and 500k page views each month.
  • Implemented the user interface (UI) based on styles from the content website.
  • Wrote test scripts to validate releases. Upon confirming the code, it was pushed to production using scripts from MeteorJS, which created docker images.


Lehigh University

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Business
Minor in Data Science

May 2023

Technical Skills

Icons from Skill Icons

(Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, C++, React, NextJS, VueJS, Redux, Bootstrap, Sass, HTML, CSS, Nginx, Spring, ExpressJS, NodeJS, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Postman, Git, GithubActions, Docker, Azure, and AWS)