Insurance Database

School ProjectGitHub
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County Garden is a MySQL Relational Database for an insurance company, County Garden. This was a college project for the class "Database Systems, Algorithms, and Applications".

📊 Data Generation

I used Mockaroo to generate most of my data while doing some manual entry.

📱 User Interface

My interface uses menus to allow the user to navigate the data, when viewing any particular piece of data options will appear at the bottom for further navigation. For example when on the customer view you can either view all customers, view a single customer, or return to the select interface menu. You can switch between those menus using the assigned numbers given. For each menu there is a back selection at the bottom which allows the user to return the last menu until they return to the select interface menu where they can then quit the program.

🔎 View the Project

Follow the README on the GitHub Repository to run the docker image and test the application.