Project Portfolio

Palette Hub Thumbnail
Palette Hub
Personal Project

Built a full stack social media website for sharing palettes of colors from concept design to deployment of a minimal viable product.

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AEquitas docs Thumbnail
AEquitas docs
Senior Capstone

Collaborated with a small team to finish the development of an online private search portal for storing a legal corpus of over 2,000 documents given both technical and business requirements.

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Portfolio Website Thumbnail
Portfolio Website
Personal Project

Built a portfolio website to access all my social accounts, projects, and resume hosted on GitHub Pages

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Streamdex Thumbnail
Personal Project

Built and coordinated the full stack development and implementation of a website to query movies and tv shows for streaming service availability and published it to the web using AWS.

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Insurance Database Thumbnail
Insurance Database
School Project

MySQL Relational Database for an insurance company, County Garden. This was a college project for the class "Database Systems, Algorithms, and Applications."

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Message Board Thumbnail
Message Board
School Project

Collaborated with a small team to create a message board (similar to twitter). This project was deployed to Heroku for the class "Software Engineering."

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Key/Value Store Thumbnail
Key/Value Store
School Project

Worked with a partner to create a Server/Client Key Value store. This was a college project for the class "Operating System Design."

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