Message Board

School Project
JavaTypeScriptReactWebpackFlutterSparkREST APIPostgreSQLMemcachedHerokuAgile
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This project was for the class Software Engineering, which was meant to mock an agile work environment. Team members took turns working on different aspects of the project each sprint. The roles included:

🥞 The Stack

The project manager was responsible for checking in on other team members as well as setting up the Heroku environment. Bash scripts were setup to deploy changes directly to Heroku.

Mobile App

The mobile app used the Flutter framework.


The React website was written in TypeScript, styled with Bootstrap, and built with webpack.

Admin CLI

The Java admin CLI gave the administrators of the website direct access to the data bypassing the REST API by connecting directly to the PostgreSQL database.


The REST API Backend used the Java Spark framework.

Database Tables



A Message has an int message_id and string msg value. The upvotes and downvotes array contain the user ids of the people who have upvoted and downvoted the message.

    "message_id": 12,
    "msg": "This is an example of a message.",
    "upvotes": [
        3, 4, 5 /* user_id values */
    "downvotes": [
        78, 2, 3 /* user_id values */

Getting Messages

Send a [GET] /messages request to get an array of all messages values.

Posting a Message

Send a [POST] /messages request with the message as json in the body to add a new message.

Get Message

Send a [GET] /messages/:messageId request to get an individual message.

Edit Message

Send a [PUT] /messages/:messageId request with the new message value as json in the body to edit an existing message.

Delete Message

Send a [DELETE] /messages/:messageId request to delete a message.

Upvote Message

Send a [POST] /messages/:messageId/upvote/:userId to upvote a message as the user with userId.

Downvote Message

Send a [POST] /messages/:messageId/downvote/:userId to downvote a message as the user with userId.

Remove Message Vote

Send a [DELETE] /messages/:messageId/upvote/:userId or [DELETE] /messages/:messageId/downvote/:userId to remove any existing upvotes or downvotes for that message with the userId.

Get Users

Send a [GET] /users request to get all users.

Get User

Send a [GET] /users/:user_id request to get an individual user.

Edit User Info

Send a [PUT] /users/:user_id request to edit the information of a user.

Delete User

Send a [DELETE] /users/:user_id request to delete a user.

Get Message Comments

Send a [GET] /messages/:messageId/comments request to get all the comments for a message.

Create a new Comment on a Message

Send a [POST] /messages/:messageId/comments request to add a comment to a message.

Get Comment

Send a [GET] /comments/:comment_id request to get an individual comment.

Delete a Comment

Send a [DELETE] /comments/:comment_id request to delete a comment.

Authenticate User

Send a [GET] /auth request to authenticate a user using Google Sign in.